Shearline Controller

The RMS Shearline Micro Controller is a clear winner with the brightest, most vibrant display in the rebar industry. The RMS Shearline Controller is compatible with virtually any type of shearline.

The calculate cut feature is a valuable tool that will allow the shearline operator to optimize rebar production with the least amount of scrap per bar load. This type of optimization happens at the machine without the need for third-party software. It offers more flexibility than other optimization strategies because the shearline operator can adjust on the fly instead of being locked into a computer optimization routine.

The machine setup feature will allow the operator to set up the controller for virtually any type of shearline. This option is password protected to guard against accidental change or access by anyone other than maintenance personnel. Once the controller is set up for the machine, it does not need to be changed unless the controller is used on a different type of machine.

The unload anywhere feature will allow unloading rebar at any location on the shearline. This allows the storage of the bin pockets to be maximized.

The controller software is now more user-friendly than ever before, eliminating hidden features, and presenting all functions in one central setup menu. Unlike many of our competitors, the RMS controller can be easily unplugged and serviced. Most shearline controllers shipped to us for service can be repaired and shipped out on the same day.

The RMS Shearline Controller can be fitted with a USB port that will allow the operator to load cutting data using a USB flash drive. The USB option is designed to accept the .ous file format, which can be generated by aSa, Soule, Application Software, and others.

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